Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan
Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan er et holdbart og robust outdoor-ur med GPS. Det er skabt til eventyr med AMOLED-skærm i safirglas og titaniumbeklædning samt højteknologiske værktøjer til sports-tracking, navigation og performance, så du både kan udforske verdens vidundere og kroppen.
Polar Grit X2 Pro
Polar Grit X2 Pro er et holdbart og robust outdoor-ur, der er skabt til eventyr med AMOLED-skærm i safirkrystalglas og højteknologiske værktøjer til sports-tracking, navigation og performance, så du både kan udforske verdens vidundere og kroppen.
Polar Vantage V3
En række instrumenter til biosensing, AMOLED-skærm, GPS med dobbelt frekvens, kort og det mest omfattende udvalg af værktøjer til træning og restitution på markedet. Vejen er banet for dig, og med Polar Vantage V3 er du klar til dit livs præstationer.
Polar Ignite 3
Polar Ignite 3 er et fitness- og wellnessur, der hjælper dig med at leve et mere energisk liv. Det sporer din søvn, aktivitet og puls for at kunne give dig vejledning, der er skræddersyet til din krop og livsstil.
Polar Pacer Pro
Polar Pacer Pro er et ultralet sportsur med integreret barometer, der giver seriøse sportsudøvere et avanceret træningsværktøj til forbedring af løbeøkonomi, træningssessioner og sportspræstationer.
Polar Pacer
Sport er leg – hvorfor gøre det indviklet? Polar Pacer er et praktisk sportsur med GPS, som giver nye sportsudøvere alt det essentielle samt avancerede træningsværktøjer, så de kan forbedre deres træning.
Polar Vantage V2
En enestående kombination af minimalistisk design, innovativ teknologi og intelligente trænings- og restitutionsværktøjer gør Polar Vantage V2 til vores allerbedste sportsur nogensinde.
Polar Grit X Pro
Lavet til holdbarhed på militært niveau med safirglas og batteri med ekstra lang levetid funktioner til udebrug, som altid er slået til, og Polars ultimative træningsløsninger.
Polar Vantage M2
Polar Vantage M2 arbejder lige så hårdt som dig og er udviklet med blik for funktion. Vores brancheførende teknologi hjælper dig med at nå dine mål og komme stærkere tilbage. For that athlete attitude.
Polar Ignite 2
Et fitnessur, der er elegant, simpelt og smart? Polar Ignite 2 er det hele på en gang. Med sin alsidighed og mange funktioner er det den perfekte makker til alle sportsgrene og fritidsaktiviteter.
Polar Ignite
Polar Ignite er et vandtæt fitness-ur med avanceret håndledsbaseret pulsmåling og indbygget GPS, der giver et samlet overblik over din dag og guider dig mod et mere balanceret liv.
Polar Unite
Et smukt og enkelt ur med tilpasset daglig træningsvejledning, registrering af puls og aktivitet døgnet rundt samt automatiske søvn- og restitutionsprogrammer.
Polar Vantage M
Det er et alsidigt multisports- og løbeur med GPS til alle, der elsker at sætte nye rekorder. Polar Vantage M er en slank og let træningsmakker, der giver dig alle de data, du behøver, til at forbedre din præstation.
Polar Grit X
Et multisportsur til udendørsaktiviteter med et robust, men alligevel let design, ultralang batteritid og holdbarhed i militærklassen til alle dem, der foretrækker stierne frem for vejene.
Polar M430
Polar M430-løbeuret med GPS er til løbere, der vil have det hele. Det har håndledsbaseret puls, avancerede løbefunktioner og Polar Løbeprogram.
Polar Verity Sense
Hvis du vægter bevægelsesfrihed, er Polar Verity Sense det oplagte valg uanset sportsgren.
Polar H10
H10-pulssensor er bredt anset som den gyldne standard inden for trådløs pulsmåling og er den mest præcise sensor i Polars historie.
Polar H9
En pålidelig brystbælte til pulsmåling i høj kvalitet til hverdagens sport med Bluetooth®- og ANT+-forbindelsesmuligheder. Opret forbindelse, og kom afsted.
Polar OH1+
Polar OH1 er en optisk pulsmåler, der kombinerer alsidighed, komfort og enkelhed. Du kan bruge den som en separat enhed eller parre den med forskellige træningsapps, sportsure og smart watches, takket være tilslutningsmulighederne til Bluetooth® og ANT+.
Tilpas alle ure til enhver stil og ethvert behov.
Udskift eller opgrader dine brystbælter eller armbånd til pulsmålere fra Polar.
Batteri og kabler
Til at oplade dine produkter og dataoverførsel.
Beslag og adaptere
Tilpas dit produkt til enhver situation.
Polar Grit X Outdoor-kollektionen
Grit X-ure, der er lavet til udendørssport og kan klare alt, hvad naturen kan udsætte dig for, kan hjælpe dig med at udforske verden og komme afsted på eventyr.
Polar Vantage Performance-kollektionen
Vores flagskibskollektion er skræddersyet til udholdelsessport og -træning, hvor man skal præstere højt. Hvert eneste aspekt af vores Vantage-ure er designet med én bestemt person i tankerne – atleten.
Polar Pacer Multisport-kollektionen
Pacer-serien giver sportsudøvere alt det essentielle såsom GPS og præcis pulsmåling samt avancerede værktøjer til træning, søvn og restitution, så de kan forbedre deres træning:
Polar Ignite Fitness & Wellness-kollektionen
Strømlinede, enkle og smarte – Ignite-ure er den perfekte partner til alle fitnessmål og livsstile.
Polar releases new Ignite 3 Titanium fitness smartwatch with enhanced workout and wellbeing guidance
KEMPELE, FINLAND, 14 JUNE 2023 AT 1 PM EET/ 12 PM (NOON) CET/ 6 AM EST – Polar Electro, the world leader in personal guidance for fitness, sport, and health, has unveiled the next-generation Polar Ignite 3 Titanium fitness and wellness smartwatch. This enhanced addition to last year’s Polar Ignite 3 includes the next-generation features found in the recently-launched Polar Ignite 3, plus some new features for training guidance and wellbeing monitoring, all wrapped in a stunning new design featuring premium materials.
Users will find more than 150 sports profiles to choose from, as well as enhanced Dual Frequency GPS and all the beloved fitness features that Polar fans know and love. On top of this, the Polar Ignite 3 Titanium comes equipped with premium materials such as a strong and lightweight titanium bezel, alongside a choice of suave silicon or rugged bronze leather wristbands.
The Polar Ignite 3 Titanium is the first Polar watch to include game-changing new guidance features designed to help people of all lifestyles find their balance and unlock their ideal fitness and sleep routines for better living. The all-new skin temperature tracking and real-time training guidance functionalities make this one of the most fine-tuned personal guidance companions yet, empowering users to level-up their workout and find their rhythm for optimal restfulness.
“The newest addition to the Ignite family is a cut above the rest,” says Sander Werring, CEO of Polar Electro. “The Polar Ignite 3 Titanium continues on the Red Dot Award-winning design of its predecessor, while raising the bar further with ultra-premium materials and new guidance features that will empower users to truly find their rhythm like never before.”
Enhanced guidance to empower you to rest to your best
The Polar Ignite 3 Titanium is designed to help users rest and recharge, so that they always feel ready to take on the next challenge. SleepWise™, your guide to daytime alertness, first introduced at the Polar Ignite 3 launch, will now also be available on the device dashboard. The all-new Nightly Skin Temperature Sensing feature measures your temperature while you sleep and provides daily updates compared to your average from the previous 28 days, which users can interpret for health insights. For example, temperature rises are often a sign of illness, together with heart rate variability or breathing changes. Women can also use these temperature insights to better understand which phase of their menstrual cycle they are in.
The Ignite Titanium 3 also comes equipped with a new Work-Rest Guide, which analyzes your heartrate during the work and rest phases of your training session to help you get the best possible impact from your workout. This feature then utilizes this data to tell you exactly how long to rest between sets, making it perfect for resistance training aimed at developing muscle mass and boosting endurance, as well as for those high-energy HIIT workouts.
Both Work-Rest Guide, Nightly Skin Temperature measurement and all other improvements will be made available to owners of Polar Ignite 3 watches via a 2.0 software update at the launch of the Polar Ignite 3 Titanium
Premium components inspired by Nordic design
This latest device continues its predecessor’s commitment to stunning Nordic design that won the Red Dot 2023 product design award. The extremely tough yet highly sensitive Gorilla Glass 3.0 lens protects a vivid AMOLED touchscreen display that is easy to use and read in all conditions, no matter how bright the sun is shining or how dark it is at night. The display now comes encased in a strong and lightweight 100% titanium bezel, offering a sleek new look for your Polar watch.
Users can also take their pick from two stylish product sets, with black silicon and premium bronze leather wristbands, offering a new class of comfort and design. It is also possible to customize the design with multiple accessory wristband options.
While stunning and practical design are hallmarks of Polar’s Nordic heritage, this new watch is also built to perform. The Polar Ignite 3 Titanium is up to 2 times faster than the Polar Ignite 1 and 2, while also offering up to 5 days of battery life from a single charge. Users can also utilize dual frequency GPS, that provides a 2x reduction in average position error compared to previous generations.
Polar Ignite 3 Titanium: Key Features
- Nightly Skin Temperature Sensing: Tracking your temperature throughout the night to help identify deviations and help you to better know your body.
- Work-Rest Guide Training Analysis: Real-time analysis of your heart rate during workouts to calculate how long to rest between sets for the best possible impact.
- SleepWise™ Daily Alertness Dashboard: Unique sleep tracking that visualizes the effect of sleep on your daytime alertness and preparedness.
- Titanium Bezel: Fully titanium border casing providing an extra layer of solidity to this durable device.
- Curved Gorilla Glass 3.0 Lens: Extremely tough and highly sensitive glass lens designed for enhanced responsiveness and tougher protection.
- High-Resolution AMOLED Touchscreen Display: A vivid and vibrant color display that is easy to read, size: 1,28-inch, resolution: 416x416, 16M colors.
- Customizable Widgets: Users can choose the information that appears on the watch face and have instant access to functions and information they need most.
- Dual-Frequency GPS: Pinpoint accuracy with less interference from tall buildings and bad weather.
- Long-Life Battery: Up to five days in watch mode or up to 30 hours of continuous training time with GPS and heart rate monitoring on a single charge
- High-Speed Processor: Up to 2x faster than the previous generation of Polar Ignite.
- Polar Precision Prime™ Sensor Fusion Technology: Advanced optical heart rate tracking technology.
- Nightly Recharge™: An overnight recovery measurement that shows how well a person recovers from stress, and other demands of the day.
- Sleep Plus Stages™: Automatic sleep tracking tool that shows the amount and quality of sleep, and the time spent in each sleep stage.
- Serene™: A guided deep breathing exercise that helps you relax your body and mind and manage stress.
- 24/7 Activity Tracking: Polar Ignite 3 tracks the cumulative active time, steps, and distance each day.
- FitSpark™: Daily, on-demand exercise suggestions chosen to suit the body’s condition and readiness.
- In-training voice guidance: Real-time feedback and essential workout metrics through headphones or connected speakers (when connected to Polar Flow).
- Walking Test: A simple, safe, and repeatable way to measure VO2max by going for a 15-minute brisk walk.
- Smart Calories: The number of calories burned during training sessions as well as total daily calories.
- Energy Sources: A summary of how much of different energy sources (fats, carbohydrates, and proteins) you used during your session.
- Music controls: Users can connect Polar Ignite 3 to the music app on their phone to navigate around playlists and adjust volume straight on the watch.
- Polar Flow: Powerful and free fitness and training app to see, analyze, and understand all activity exercise, and sleep data.
Availability and Pricing
The Polar Ignite 3 Titanium is available today at polar.com and retail stores worldwide, for 399,90€/$399,90 including bronze leather and black silicon wristbands, or 369,90€/ $369,90 including the black silicon wristband.
Polar Ignite 3 Titanium
Fitness- og wellnessur
Polar Ignite 3 Titanium er et fitness- og wellnessur, der hjælper dig med at leve et mere energisk liv. Det sporer din søvn, aktivitet og puls for at kunne give dig vejledning, der er skræddersyet til din krop og livsstil.