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workout generator

Polar Workout Generator – Mix Up Your Workout Routine

Bored with your workout routine, but not sure how to mix it up? Or maybe you don’t have a routine, but you’re eager to get started getting in shape?

If you’re running low on ideas, our Polar Workout Generator will provide you with fresh workout ideas based on the type of workout, intensity, and frequency you prefer. Think of it like a Choose Your Own Adventure for your fitness adventures.

For truly tailored smart workout guidance, check out the Polar FitSpark™ daily training guide.

Simply answer the questions below and you’ll get a ready-made cardio, strength, or mobility workout routine on video with a suitable intensity.

Then, click play and start getting fit (and sweaty)!

In the mood for more? Check out more Polar workouts below the Generator.

What type of exercise do you typically do?

What level of intensity would you prefer?

Have you been training more than usual lately?

Want to Keep going? Try One (Or all) Of these Workouts:

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Please note that the information provided in the Polar Blog articles cannot replace individual advice from health professionals. Please consult your physician before starting a new fitness program.

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Want Personalized Workouts On Demand?

Try the Polar FitSpark™ training guide that offers daily on-demand workouts that match your recovery status, fitness level and training history. Start working out without burning out – let FitSpark do the planning for you and guide you through your workouts!

Read more

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var appWorkouts = { "strength": { "hard": { "y":"ID_mobility-high", "n":"ID_cardio-high" }, "moderate": { "y":"ID_mobility-high", "n":"ID_cardio-low" }, "easy": { "y":"ID_mobility-low", "n":"ID_cardio-low" } }, "cardio": { "hard": { "y":"ID_mobility-high", "n":"ID_strength-high" }, "moderate": { "y":"ID_mobility-low", "n":"ID_strength-low" }, "easy": { "y":"ID_mobility-low", "n":"ID_strength-low" } }, "mobility": { "hard": { "y":"ID_cardio-high", "n":"ID_strength-high" }, "moderate": { "y":"ID_strength-low", "n":"ID_cardio-high" }, "easy": { "y":"ID_cardio-low", "n":"ID_strength-low" } } } var appExercise = { "ID_cardio-high": { "title": "Cardio Workout – High Intensity", "content": "Get your heart pumping with an interval type cardio workout that includes switching between moderate intensity and short spurts of high intensity. Make sure you warm up and cool down properly to avoid injury.

Try this high-intensity cardio workout.", "video": "S3wc_j8AzYs" }, "ID_cardio-low": { "title": "Cardio workout – Low intensity", "content": "Do a 30- to 45-minute light cardio workout that elevates your heart rate (moderately). If you're using a heart rate monitor, try to keep your heart rate below 70 percent of your maximum heart rate (on a level where you could go on for hours).

Try this low-intensity cardio workout.", "video": "RMeqrB7c-GU" }, "ID_strength-high": { "title": "Strength workout – High intensity", "content": "Try turning up the HIIT in your strength session by including integrated movements that get your heart rate up – but focus on your technique to avoid injury. Also, make sure to warm up properly before the workout and stretch afterwards.

Try this high-intensity strength workout.", "video": "4uzbLSJnLRY" }, "ID_strength-low": { "title": "Strength Workout – Low Intensity", "content": "Do a slow-paced bodyweight strength session (without jumps). Alternatively, you can go for a slow-paced gym session with low weights or Pilates.

Try this low-intensity strength workout.", "video": "8dvlCBCzW4E" }, "ID_mobility-high": { "title": "Mobility High", "content": "Opt for a dynamic mobility session that improves your range of motion. Include exercises such as lunges with twists, bear walks, plank walk-outs and straight leg front kicks. Ashtanga yoga is a great alternative.

Try this high-intensity mobility workout.", "video": "QrhlaIQrtc0" }, "ID_mobility-low": { "title": "Mobility Low", "content": "Give your muscles some well-deserved TLC with dynamic stretching and soft movement that maintains yours muscles and joints. Do a thorough foam rolling session (warm up first) or a gentle yoga or movement routine to calm down your body and mind.

Try this low-intensity mobility workout.", "video": "ucZ2gYWtxjQ" } } $( document ).ready(function() { $("#workout-app input").on("change", function() { $("#workout-app input").each(function() { if(this.checked) { $(this).parent().parent().addClass('active'); } else { $(this).parent().parent().removeClass('active'); } }); var checkedTotal = $("#workout-app input:checked").length; if(checkedTotal == 3){ generator(); } }); }); function generator(){ $("#exerciseData").hide(); var collection = []; $("#workout-app input:checked").each(function() { var opt = $(this).val(); collection.push(opt); }); var key = appWorkouts[collection[0]][collection[1]][collection[2]]; var data = [appExercise[key].title, appExercise[key].content, appExercise[key].video]; var videoEmbed = "https://www.youtube.com/embed/"+data[2]; $("#exerciseData .title, #exerciseData .content, #exerciseData .list").empty(); $("#exerciseData .title").append(data[0]); $("#exerciseData .content").append(data[1]); $("#embedVideoPlayer").attr("src", videoEmbed); $("#exerciseData").show(); }