Polar Vantage M3

Želite nekaj elegantnega, a športnega, kompaktnega, a zmogljivega, modnega, a trpežnega. Želite trenirati več, a se regenerirati prej, spati bolje, a raziskovati več. Želite spremljanje športnih dejavnosti na profesionalni ravni, a funkcije za vsakodnevni življenjski slog. Prava izbira za vas? Polar Vantage M3 – večnamenska športna ura za vsestranske športnike.

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan je trpežna ura za aktivnosti na prostem, ki jo odlikujejo zaslon iz safirnega stekla AMOLED, ohišje iz titana, napredna orodja za navigacijo in funkcije za merjenje zmogljivosti, ki vam pomagajo pri raziskovanju sveta in zmogljivosti vašega telesa.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Pro je trpežna ura za aktivnosti na prostem, ki jo odlikujejo zaslon iz safirnega kristalnega stekla AMOLED, napredna orodja za navigacijo in funkcije za merjenje zmogljivosti, ki vam pomagajo pri raziskovanju sveta in zmogljivosti vašega telesa.

Polar Vantage V3

Nabor instrumentov za biološko zaznavanje, zaslon AMOLED, GPS z dvojno frekvenco, zemljevidi in najobsežnejša zbirka orodij za trening in regeneracijo na trgu. Oder je pripravljen in športna ura Polar Vantage V3 je nared, da pokaže, kaj zna.

Polar Ignite 3

Polar Ignite 3 je ura za fitnes in dobro počutje, ki bo pomagala poskrbeti, da bo vaše življenje bolj energično. Spremlja vaše spanje, aktivnost in srčni utrip, da vam lahko ponudi napotke, ki so pisani na kožo vašemu telesu in življenjskemu slogu.

Polar Pacer Pro

Polar Pacer Pro je izjemno lahka športna ura nove generacije z integriranim barometrom, ki športnikom ponuja napredna orodja za trening, s katerimi lahko izboljšajo ekonomiko teka, vadbe in športne rezultate.

Polar Pacer

Šport je igra – ne naredimo ga zapletenega! Polar Pacer je praktična in enostavna športna ura, ki športnikom začetnikom ponuja vse osnovne funkcije in posebna orodja za še boljše treninge.

Polar Vantage V2

Ura Polar Vantage V2 je zahvaljujoč udarni kombinaciji minimalističnega dizajna, inovativne tehnologije in pametnih orodij za trening ter regeneracijo ena najodličnejših športnih ur vseh časov.

Polar Grit X Pro

Narejena v skladu z vojaškimi standardi, s safirnim steklom, izjemno vzdržljivo baterijo, novimi orodji za navigacijo, vedno aktivnimi funkcijami za gibanje na prostem in Polarjevimi vrhunskimi rešitvami za trening.

Polar Vantage M2

Športna ura Polar Vantage M2 je narejena in pripravljena za trdo delo – tako kot vi. Naša najnaprednejša tehnologija vam bo pomagala, da boste dosegli svoje cilje in se vrnili še močnejši. Za pravo športno miselnost.

Polar Ignite 2

Fitnes ura, ki je elegantna, preprosta in pametna? Polar Ignite 2 ima vse troje. Vsestranska in izpopolnjena z odličnimi funkcijami je idealna spremljevalka za vsak šport in življenjski slog.

Polar Ignite

Vodoodporna fitnes ura Polar Ignite z naprednim merjenjem srčnega utripa na zapestju in vgrajenim GPS prinaša pregled vaše dnevne aktivnosti in vas usmerja k bolj uravnoteženemu življenju.

Polar Unite

Čudovito preprosta ura s prilagojeno vodeno dnevno vadbo, možnostjo spremljanja srčnega utripa in sledenja aktivnosti.

Polar Vantage M

Vsestranska večnamenska športna ura z GPS za vse, ki radi podirate rekorde. Polar Vantage M je elegantna in lahka spremljevalka pri treningih, ki vam bo zagotovila vse podatke, ki jih potrebujete za izboljšanje rezultatov.

Polar Grit X

Večnamenska outdoor ura je robustna, a lahka. Izjemno vzdržljiva baterija in trpežnost po vojaških standardih za vse, ki imajo raje poti kot ceste.

Polar M430

Tekaška ura z GPS in merjenjem srčnega utripa na zapestju, napredne tekaške funkcije ter program teka Polar – Polar M430 je vrhunska ura za tekače, ki želijo doseči več.

Polar Verity Sense

Če vam svoboda pomeni največ, je Polar Verity Sense najboljša izbira za vas.

Polar H10

Ta senzor, ki velja za zlati standard brezžične tehnologije merjenja srčnega utripa, je najnatančnejši senzor v zgodovini znamke Polar.

Polar H9

Zanesljiv in kakovosten trak za prsi za merilnik srčnega utripa za vsakdevne športne dejavnosti s povezljivostjo Bluetooth® in ANT+. Povežite se in začnite z vadbo.

Polar OH1+

Pašček Polar OH1 za optično merjenje srčnega utripa združuje vsestranskost, udobje in enostavnost. Zaradi svoje povezljivosti s tehnologijama Bluetooth® in ANT+ ga lahko uporabljate samostojno ali v kombinaciji z različnimi fitnes aplikacijami ter športnimi in pametnimi urami.

Pasovi za uro

Vsako uro lahko prilagodite glede in svoj slog in potrebe.


Zamenjajte ali posodobite svoj trak za prsi ali trak za roko za senzorje Polar.

Napajanje in kabli

Za polnjenje vaših naprav in prenos podatkov.

Nosilci in adaperji

Prilagodite svojo napravo vsaki situaciji.





Serija outdoor ur Polar Grit X

Ure Grit X so narejene za športe na prostem in kos vsakemu izzivu, ki ga narava vrže pred vas, zato so kot nalašč za raziskovanje sveta in nove dogodivščine.

Serija Polar Vantage Performance

Naši paradni izdelki so namenjeni vrhunskemu in vzdržljivostnem športu in treningu. Pri izdelavi ur Vantage smo imeli v mislih enega samega človeka: športnika.

Večšportna serija Polar Pacer

Serija Pacer nudi tekačem vse osnovne funkcije, kot so natančen GPS, natančno spremljanje srčnega utripa ter posebna orodja za trening, spanje in regeneracijo, ki jih potrebujejo za boljši trening.

Serija za fitness in dobro počutje Polar Ignite

Elegantne, preproste in pametne – ure Ignite so podajo vašim športnim ciljem in življenjskemu slogu.

Heart rate tracking app for group fitness.

Increase gym member retention and engagement

Polar Club helps fitness and health clubs easily engage and motivate their customers through real-time effort tracking and instant rewards that make gym classes fun and a social event.

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Over 5 000 fitness and health clubs worldwide.

Increase repeat visits by motivating and engaging with your clients

Keep your gym members engaged and motivated with accurate real-time performance data, such as heart rate and calories burned - all based on Polar’s best-in-class heart rate monitoring technology.

Get started

Create a fun group fitness experience.

Make class participants push harder, feel motivated, and leave them wanting more with engaging challenges, instant workout feedback and rewards, plus friendly competitions.

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Become a Polar Club affiliate.

Grow your revenue and earn a commission when you sell Polar products to your fitness club members.

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9+1 tactics to maximize your gym membership retention strategy

Get your free ebook to help you increase member satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

Built for group fitness and all your coaching needs

Create a fun group fitness experience that will help your members get results and keep them coming back for more.

Phased workouts. Split your group exercise class into phases and set a different duration and intensity for each of them.

Class targets. Set goals and guide class participants on which heart rate zone they should be aiming to next.

Personalized feedback. See individual progress and help everyone reach their goals with a post-class summary and automated summary emails.

Real-time performance data. Track and display your class’s effort in real time with performance data, such as heart rate, intensity, and calories burned.

Gamified experience. Motivate participants during the class with visually engaging rewards, such as zone time or calorie trophies.

Extensive class history. Access all your club's past and featured classes easily.

Why fitness and health clubs trust Polar


Fitness Clubs with Polar Club

est. 1977

Pioneers in sports technology.


Patents registered

Loved by our customers.

“It’s a great addition and a great tool that we have used in our training for the last four years.”

“Because we’ve had Polar Club from the day we opened it’s really a huge part of what we offer and why people love what we do here.”

What you need to get started

The Equipment

Polar Club is a simple solution. All you need is an iPad with an Internet connection, a big-screen display, HDMI cable, and an HDMI connector or Apple TV to connect the iPad with your screen.

Hook your members up with Polar heart rate sensors and everyone’s heart rate pops up on the screen.

The Polar Club App

Plan classes and see how your members perform in the Polar Club app.

Want to see Polar Club in action?

Let’s discuss about:

  • Sensor packages
  • Business affiliate opportunities
  • Polar Club demo


Why should I implement heart rate monitoring to my group exercise classes?

From an instructor’s point of view, tracking heart rate is an amazing tool for getting useful information on how your class participants are training, such as calorie burn, average heart rate and effort in real-time, so that you can coach them better.

Heart rate tracking removes the guesswork and gives an extra boost to your fitness classes. When you coach your class with heart rate, you’ll know how hard they are working out and can easily regulate the intensity level of the entire group and individuals alike.

The zones give you real-time feedback and tell you exactly where your participants are at. You as an instructor know where they should be – all you need to do is coach them in the right direction!

Heart rate tracking is a great tool for evaluating workout intensity levels and accumulated load. It helps your members see how hard their body is working during the sessions, in real-time, and it gives them data on the intensity of their session afterward. This instant gratification of effort gives your members a sense of achievement, which boosts motivation, delivers fitness results and drives retention in the long run.

How accurate are Polar heart rate monitors?

Polar heart rate monitors are trusted by elite athletes all over the world and known for their durability and accuracy.

Polar heart rate tracking technology has been widely accepted as the gold standard in product comparisons and scientific studies for its 99.6% accuracy compared to ECG.

How does Polar Club work?

Polar Club is a versatile product and you can use it for an unlimited amount of classes and instructors as well as for multiple class formats for up to 90 participants - everything from indoor cycling to functional training, bootcamps to small group sessions.

The best part about it? It is super-easy to use. All you need to do is to get a Polar Club account, an iPad, Polar Club app, and a projector or a TV screen with a compatible cable and adapter.

For your members to join the class, they need to have Polar Flow accounts and personal devices like sensors or wrist devices - or you can let them use the club's sensors. Polar Club works with all Polar sport and fitness watches and heart rate sensors.

Then you're all set to create classes, get your participants signed in, run a class and check class data from the iPad and participants' individual Polar accounts.

Polar Club tracks and displays your class's effort in real-time through performance data, such as heart rate and calories burned. The way Polar Club measures and displays workout intensity is through the use of color-coded heart rate zones.

How do I as a fitness business owner benefit from Polar Club?

By implementing a group heart rate monitoring system and fitness wearables to your club you can become the digital hub of all of your member's fitness activities. The system offers you the ability to expand your reach towards your members’, motivate and support them in their fitness journey and also earn extra revenue.

The biggest benefit of adopting wearable tech to your club is that you can further improve your odds to retain your members. It's a proven fact that Polar Club users work out on average 3.4 times per week at their gym. That's 80% more than the IHRSA industry average of 1.9 visits. This means that wearables really can keep your members coming back to your facility more often.

Through technology you and your staff will be able to connect with the members not only when they work out at your facility but also while doing other activities outside the club's walls. You can increase your members’ fitness results when you harness your instructors' fitness expertise together with the workout data and the ability to track members’ progress online. You can even build new revenue streams by creating digital coaching services and selling heart rate monitors and fitness watches bundled together with these.

A group heart rate monitoring system also boosts member engagement through the sense of achievement and camaraderie when working together towards the group goals in a class as well as through the friendly competition the individual and group rewards enable. Moreover, you can use the system to run fitness challenges at your club to motivate class goers even more. You can also promote the technology-powered classes to existing members as well as use it as a tool for new member acquisition.

Why should I choose Polar Club for my fitness facility?

When you choose Polar wearable technology for your club, your members get access to the full Polar ecosystem where everything is connected. With heart rate sensors, fitness watches, and online coaching tools we cater to all the needs of fitness professionals and gym members alike.

All our training technology is built on scientific research and validation, so you and your members get data and results they can trust. For example, the Polar heart rate tracking technology has been widely accepted as the gold standard in product comparisons and scientific studies for its 99.6% accuracy compared to ECG.

The wide selection of Polar fitness trackers to choose from and the Polar Flow online training platform help you keep your members motivated and engaged also beyond your club’s walls anywhere in the world.

Polar sports watches and fitness trackers will help your members reach their fitness goals with personalized guidance in training, everyday activity tracking, sleep, and recovery. Moreover, Polar heart rate sensors connect to a great variety of 3rd party gym equipment and leading fitness apps with 5 kHz, Bluetooth, and ANT+ to offer unrivaled versatility.

One unique benefit of the Polar ecosystem is that you and your members can track world-known Les Mills workouts with built-in Les Mills sport profiles on all Polar sports watches and fitness trackers as well as the Polar Club group heart rate monitoring system.

Also, your trainers benefit greatly from Polar technology at your club. The free Polar Flow for Coach service offers your trainers a tool to coach and connect with their clients. They can access their client's training data, give instant feedback and create training plans together.

You can get even more out of Polar data at your club through Polar's Open API that enables a direct information sharing link between the Polar ecosystem and your own data system, giving you more insights into your member's workout behavior.

Let’s talk.

If you want to learn more about Polar for Business solutions – or you’re ready to get started – fill in the form below and a rep from your local Polar B2B support team will contact you.

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*Te akcije ni mogoče kombinirati z drugimi akcijami in ponudbami.


Žal naša trgovina trenutno ne deluje, ker izvajamo redna vzdrževalna dela. Vaše naročilo bomo sprejeli v kratkem. Oglasite se kmalu.