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Kettlebell workout

3-Part Kettlebell Workout For The Whole Body

If gym isn’t an option for you at the moment, but you’re a fitness enthusiast or just one of the people whose body craves and demands movement, we’ve got one word for you: kettlebell.

One of the many benefits of kettlebell training is that you can do it anywhere and it only involves one piece of equipment. Yet, that one kettlebell provides you with the basis for an astounding number of exercises and a range of variations to work your entire body. Fun and effective? Yes!

Here’s a full-body kettlebell workout you can do at home in your own pace or pick only the movements that work for you and your body needs right now. If you choose to do all three parts of this kettlebell workout, breaking a sweat is guaranteed as you work your way through all three sections:

  • Full-body warm-up
  • Cardio/lower-body exercises
  • Upper-body movements

Get started with kettlebell workouts hassle-free with the videos below!

Kettlebell workout: Warm-Up

Complete the circuit 3-4 times to reap the benefits and pay attention to the weight categories when selecting an appropriate kettlebell weight. Also, ensure you always squat down (from the knees, not the waist) to pick up the kettlebell so you avoid stressing your lower back.

10 x Squat High-Pull

Moderate weight

A two-in-one exercise that works your upper and lower body and will have everything from your shoulders to your calves activated.

How to:

  • Start holding the kettlebell with straight arms and feet slightly more than hip-width apart.
  • Keeping your weight in your heels squat until the kettlebell touches the floor (or comes close to this) and come to standing.
  • Pull up with your arms, allowing the kettlebell to come just underneath the chin, and your elbows up towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat

10 x Lunge Press-Out

Light weight

Your core is the stabilizer for this exercise and it’s essential that you keep it strong and steady so that you don’t fall over.

How to:

  • Start with your feet together and the weight in at your chest.
  • Take a step forward (keeping a straight back), drop your knee and turn your torso towards the leg that is forward.
  • Press out with the kettlebell, and then bring it back to the center of your chest.
  • Push off your front leg and come back to standing.
  • Repeat with the opposite leg.

10 x Single-Leg Deadlift (Each side)

Moderate weight

Despite this being predominantly a hamstring exercise, your balance is what makes this exercise an excellent coordination warm-up drill. I like to do this exercise with the kettlebell in the opposite arm to my balancing leg. I would advise any beginner to start in this position in order to avoid rotating the hips open.

How to:

  • Start on one leg with the kettlebell in the opposite hand.
  • Keeping your stabilizing leg slightly bent, lower your upper body down towards the ground while kicking out your back leg.
  • Slowly come back to standing, trying your best not to let your free foot rest on the ground between reps.

Kettlebell workout: Cardio/Lower-Body

15 x Regular Kettlebell Swing

Moderate-Heavy weight

This move has been named the ‘single most perfect exercise’ and there are many reasons why. It burns a tremendous number of calories, scorches fat, improves endurance, strengthens your muscle mass, and prevents lower back pain (if performed correctly!)

How to:

  • Begin in a lowered-squat stance with your feet slightly separated.
  • Keep your shoulders back and bring the kettlebell between the legs with straight arms and a good swing.
  • Forcefully extend the knees and push the kettlebell forward with straight arms, allowing it to come to eye-level.
  • Do not overly extend the hips forwards as this can put unnecessary pressure on your lower back.
  • Quick hint: You should never feel like you are lifting the weight with your arms. The exercise is called a kettlebell swing for a reason, so allow your hips to move like a pendulum forward and back and let the weight follow.
  • Another hint: The biggest mistake people make is forgetting that this exercise is more of a hip-thrust than it is a squat.

15 x American Kettlebell Swing

Moderate weight

An extension of the regular kettlebell swing that will have you slightly more out of breath because you are required to bring the weight entirely above your head, and the range of motion is larger.

How to:

  • Rather than bringing the weight to eye-level, allow it to continue almost until it is completely over your head.
  • You can have slightly bent elbows once the weight is above your head and let the kettlebell point slightly down in order to make it faster to bring it back between the legs.
  • Don’t push the weight too far behind your head as this can damage your rotator cuff (the muscles & tendons at the shoulder joint that allow your arms to go overhead) and throw you off-balance.

12 x Goblet Half-Squat to Full-Squat

Moderate-Heavy weight

This is quite possibly my favourite exercise. The half-squat component is what makes this move so challenging! Essentially, you are cutting down the recovery period and doubling up the work by adding this small pulse. Tough? Well, nobody gets strong glutes by sitting on them!

How to:

  • Start in standing position with your toes facing slightly outwards (to engage more inner-thigh).
  • Come down to the lowest point in your squat, up half-way, back down, and then up to standing.
  • Repeat.

Kettlebell workout: Upper-Body

10 x Single-Arm Overhead Press (Each Side)

Light-Moderate weight

The single-arm overhead press is one of the best ways to sculpt shoulders without putting the rotator cuff at risk of injury. This is because your elbow stays in when you push overhead and the weight is stacked in line with your shoulder so your center of mass is balanced. Your core is also getting some attention with this move because it must remain stable as your legs stay locked in place and you push overhead with just your arm.

How to:

  • Start with the back of your hand resting against the body of the kettlebell as you hold the handle.
  • With the kettlebell in at your shoulder, press overhead and back down.
  • Repeat with the other arm.

12 x Kettlebell Overhead Press to Triceps Extension

Moderate weight

This exercise is predominantly a triceps-deltoid (shoulder) combo. However, it also works the traps and core when performed standing.

How to:

  • Stand shoulder-width apart with the kettlebell in at your chest.
  • Push the kettlebell overhead and, keeping your elbows in and relatively motionless, drop your forearms (with the weight) behind the head and back up.
  • Bring the kettlebell in front of your body and repeat.

10 x Single-Arm Kettlebell Row (EACH SIDE)

Moderate-Heavy weight

This exercise works your middle back and is awesome for shoulder blade mobility by strengthening the tendons around the shoulder blade or scapula.

How to:

  • Begin slightly bent-over with a straight back and glutes pushed out.
  • Pull one kettlebell to the stomach while retracting the shoulder blades and flexing your elbows.
  • Lower the weight back down.
  • Repeat.

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Please note that the information provided in the Polar Blog articles cannot replace individual advice from health professionals. Please consult your physician before starting a new fitness program.

Madi Serpico Polar flow
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