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Getting ready to run

Polar’s 40 Years Of Incredible Firsts

2017 marks a special year for Polar.

Exactly 40 years ago, in 1977, Polar filed for its first patent and took the first step towards claiming the title of the pioneer of wearable sports technology.

To celebrate our 40-year heritage, we’ll do what we’ve always done: keep striving for incredible firsts – whether it’s a new world record, a technological breakthrough or helping you finish your first 10K with flying colors.

Introducing the Polar Symbol

Some of you may have already noticed the new Polar symbol that was designed to reflect our 40-year heritage. It will act as our brand symbol alongside the Polar logo.

We’ll use the symbol to show you the way towards all kinds of good things in life: beating personal bests, finding the joy of running, living healthy and happy and showing the old you that the new you is pretty awesome, too.

40 years of Polar

On this timeline, you can see Polar’s 40 years of history, including the world’s first wireless heart rate monitor and the world’s first wearable activity tracker.

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Please note that the information provided in the Polar Blog articles cannot replace individual advice from health professionals. Please consult your physician before starting a new fitness program.

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How to get started with Polar

Are you a proud owner of a new Polar product? Read our guide on how to get started.

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