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Polar Team Pro Used in Studies to Explore Performance in Team Sports

Polar Team Pro is an easy-to-use GPS-based athlete tracking system, designed for monitoring high level athlete’s performance in training. It is used not only by coaches to follow a team’s training, but also in scientific studies. It is proven to be an accurate and valid tool to explore physical training load especially in outdoor team sports. For example, the Polar Team Pro system provides useful data to study the differences in training loads and physical demands between team players in training and in matches. Studies using Polar Team Pro have revealed higher training loads for starters than substitutes in soccer, higher average speed and sprint distance in midfield players than in attack and defense players in lacrosse, and higher physical demands in blockers compared to defenders in female beach volley players. The results give exact and objective information that can be used to design a tailored training strategy for different team members and monitor fatigue during games and tours.


Akiyama, Sasaki & Mashiko (2019): Elite Male Lacrosse Players’ Match Activity Profile. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2019) 18, 290-294

Dalen & Lorås (2019): Monitoring Training and Match Physical Load in Junior Soccer Players: Starters versus Substitutes. Sports 2019, 7, 70

Nunes et al. (2020): Match analysis and heart rate of top-level female beach volleyball players during international and national competitions. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2020; 60:000-000. DOI 10.23736/S0022-4707.19.10042-4.

Reinhardt, Schwesig, Lauenroth, Schulze & Kurz (2019): Enhanced sprint performance analysis in soccer: New insights from a GPS-based tracking system. PLoS ONE (2019) 14(5): e0217782

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