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Polar Research Center Involved in Several EU Projects

The Polar Research Center consists of experts in wearables technologies, data science, physiology, exercise and sports training as well as health sciences. The Center is actively participating in several European Commission funded Horizon 2020 joint studies with industry, universities and institutes. In these projects the Center further strengthens its international networks and is active in bringing into market new technologies and publishing research findings. Five of these Horizon 2020 projects, taking place during years 2019-2023, are introduced here briefly.

PRESTIGE is a consortium of 16 partners including designers, material and process scientists, material suppliers, manufacturers and systems integrators. The PRESTIGE project aims at bringing together design-thinking innovation strategies with advanced printed functional materials developments and integration to demonstrate high-end interactive and aesthetics final products.

Overall Budget € 7 767 654,14.

BEWELL is about developing integration and manufacturing technologies needed for smart skin patch and wrist-device wearable electronics sensing and actuating products. The aim is to produce technologies to promote physical and emotional wellbeing. Participants in this project come from Austria, Belgium, Finland, France and Germany.

Overall Budget € 4 164 845

5G-HEART project will focus on vital vertical use cases of healthcare, transport and aquaculture. Specifically, the project will validate pillcams for colon cancer screening, autonomous assisted and remote driving and vehicle data services. In the food industry, it will focus on the 5G-transformation of the aquaculture sector. For this consortium partners have been selected based on their know-how in 5G, vertical applications, standardization, business modelling, prototyping, trials and demonstrations.

Overall Budget € 14 322 073,75

MedPhab aims to improve photonics use in healthcare. Photonics is the science and technology of light. Combining optics and electronics, it deals with generating, guiding, manipulating, amplifying and detecting light. The widespread use of photonics technologies in medical applications has given rise to challenges for both end-user companies and manufacturers. The MedPhab project will address these challenges, and it will serve as Europe’s first pilot line dedicated to manufacturing, testing, validating and upscaling new photonics technologies for medical diagnostics enabling accelerated product launch with reduced R&D costs.

Overall Budget € 17 140 478,75

The RoLA-FLEX project is related to laser digital technology. It intends to develop metal oxides for charge carrier selective contacts, metal nano-inks enabling highly conductive micropatterns, and high-speed laser digital processing in roll-2-roll organic photovoltaic module fabrication. Two validated prototypes of complex devices based on innovative technologies will be demonstrated. Over ten international sites participate in this project.

Overall Budget € 5 792 745

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